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Road Trip Across America

I recently moved from Vancouver, British Columbia back home to Georgetown, Ontario. After two and a half years I have acquired a lot of furniture, books and knick knacks, so the only way to get back is to drive.

Going out west I did a road trip through Canada, this time my father and I drove across America. During the trip we saw Craters of the Moon National Monument, Yellowstone National Park and Mount Rushmore. It was an insane amount of driving but was worth the trip.

One of my favourite random stops was Wall Drug. This roadside attraction is in Wall, South Dakota and has 5 cent coffee. The town has an old West theme and Wall Drug is a large market with a massive cafeteria.

It was incredible to watch the landscape change as we crossed the country. It was sad to lose the mountains but the first couple days the weather was outstanding. Our last driving day was dreary but that made it easier to stay in the car.

Below are all the images I took with my phone as we took a road trip across America, enjoy!

Click here for more posts on our road trip across America: Day One, Day Two, Craters of the Moon, Yellowstone, Mount Rushmore, and the Last Sunset.

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