• Trout Lake

    Sunday was a beautiful, ridiculously warm, day in Vancouver. Walking to the bus I saw a guy in shorts and a t-shirt. It was a little excessive, but it is getting close to summer on the west coast. I headed down to East Vancouver to hang out with my friend and took a stroll around Trout Lake. It was beautiful, it is always a good day when you can see the mountains. It is nice to be able to do most of the outdoor west coast things before I leave the province, but it is really strange to not have a real winter. Trout Lake is really relaxing, and a nice…

  • Kelowna

    Camping in Kelowna was picturesque. The weather hovered around thirty degrees and a cool breeze rolled off the water. The fast moving river beside our site drifted in through the waterfalls showcased on the trail across the street. Canadian geese walked, swam and flew just beside us the whole time, while other wildlife kept its distance. This was the perfect way to relax and spend my holiday. The pictures ended up being better than I imagined and I cannot wait to explore more of British Columbia.