• Abbey Road

    Abbey Road is a must see for any Beatles fan in London. This attraction is not what I expected – it is just a normal street and a normal building surrounded by tons of tourists. The road is extremely busy, but the cars do stop every once in a while to let people take photos. It is amazing how much love people have for these four men. The gate outside the studio is filled with thousands of signatures, messages and images from fans. I am glad I went but I would never go back. For more information about the Abbey Road crossing, click here.

  • London!

    I made it to London! The first couple days were spent wandering around the major sights with my father. London makes a huge impact immediately. We had gorgeous days, which was perfect as we spent a lot of time walking. The photos below are from our first day in London.We walked across a lot of bridges, or more specifically the London Bridge, the Tower Bridge and the Millennium Bridge many times. Though we were tired from the flight, we tried to stay awake by following the Thames on both sides. The Tower of London was gorgeous, and I have been getting mixed messages on whether to go in or not,…

  • I’m Heading to London, England!

    London, England has always been at the top of my bucket list. I am now leaving for at least four months to live in this fantastic city. I have an internship with an incredible non-profit called Tender. They use theatre and the arts to “engage young people in violence prevention, enabling them to recognise and avoid abuse and violence.” I will be helping them in their communications and social media, and I cannot wait. While in London, I will be residing in the Shoreditch area and I have heard only good things about it. My father and I are heading up a few days early and are hitting a lot…

  • WhiteMoor – WhiteMoor

    WhiteMoor is the upcoming band from Derby, England whose commercial success has landed their first single ‘Three Words’ at number 88 on the download chart. WhiteMoor’s debut album, appropriately titled ‘WhiteMoor’, is an indie, electro pop infusion that demands you dance along. Out of the ashes of their three former bands Barrington, Benny, Luke and Tom have created an album that brings you to your feet. This infectious power pop allows you to forget everything for around forty minutes and lose yourself in the beat. The opening song ‘Three Words’ is by far their best. It has a powerful backbeat and strong vocals. It sets a good pace for the rest of the…