• London!

    I made it to London! The first couple days were spent wandering around the major sights with my father. London makes a huge impact immediately. We had gorgeous days, which was perfect as we spent a lot of time walking. The photos below are from our first day in London.We walked across a lot of bridges, or more specifically the London Bridge, the Tower Bridge and the Millennium Bridge many times. Though we were tired from the flight, we tried to stay awake by following the Thames on both sides. The Tower of London was gorgeous, and I have been getting mixed messages on whether to go in or not,…

  • Georgetown

    Every time I go back to Georgetown I am shocked by how different it is. As I grew up the town was expanding, but the past few years the town has grown quite large. This time, instead of focusing on the new sections of the town, I went to old Georgetown. Main street is picturesque, and in some pictures looks like a toy. The old buildings are beautiful, the street is perfectly groomed and there is an odd sense of comfort and safety as you walk the street. It is a wonderful place to visit and only makes me want to adventure around more small towns.