• Flowers

    My apartment has beautiful afternoon sun, and buying fresh flowers has become a staple in my life. Combining the two made for a wonderful photo shoot and a fun experiment with my camera.

  • Summer in Vancouver

    It finally feels like summer in Vancouver! The sun has arrived and to celebrate, I took a walk around the neighbourhood. Gardens are in full bloom and the trees are bright green and beautiful. Even though this is just the beginning, it is going to be a stunning summer.

  • Sunshine After the Rain

    Rain had taken over Vancouver, creating a dark, damp, dreary week. Then the sun came out and those mountains appear and you immediately forget how miserable it was. People come out in hoards, couples walking across the bridge, kids chasing pigeons on Granville Island and bikes galore! Here are some of my shots from the sunset that evening.

  • Across the Cambie Bridge

    Despite the cold weather, the sun was shining in Vancouver, making it perfect weather for walking. Since my new work is closer to the Cambie bridge, it was a great opportunity to take a new route home.  My fingers almost fell off halfway across but the sky was so blue I couldn’t resist.

  • Train to Seattle

    Here are some shots of the train ride we took to Seattle. We got to see the sun rise over the ocean as we stopped for customs. I cannot resist a good sunrise.