• Rugby

    In University, I took photos for the student paper, which mostly meant taking photos of some Rugby games. Recently, I was looking through my photos and found a few of the shots, enjoy!

  • Dislodged

      Inside the cramped bathroom off the Chancellor’s suite loose tiles are falling off the wall, crashing into a pile on the floor. The culprit: water and frost that has been seeping in through the cracks in the stone. The President’s Lodge is a grand three story (four if you count the basement) house on the edge of the King’s College campus. The once beautiful home is now closed due to cracks in the foundation. Walking from room to room, the cracks get longer and the piles of destroyed wall and ceiling get bigger. “It is sad,” said Pamela Hazel, assistant to the president, Dr. Anne Leavitt, about the disrepair.…