
  • Blind Spot Interview: Tuva Novotny

    “Now, more than ever, it is extremely important to use this momentum and use it well, to lay a foundation for a future where stories are told by and for all genders, ethnicities, nationalities.”

  • Kingsway Interview: Gabrielle Rose and Camille Sullivan

    “Also telling our stories is really important for young people in Canada. All of the diversity, all of the multiculturalism, all those stories need to be told so that we have, we feel our identity. We feel really proud of our identity, so let’s have it reflected in our art.”

  • 7A Interview: Kayla Lorette

    “In my work, I want to create space for myself and other women to feel they can explore complicated emotions and play nuanced and strange characters. I never want to feel restricted in my impulses. I never want to shy away from the darker parts of my mind. Perhaps that’s an obvious thing to say, but being a woman makes that feel political.”

  • Float Like A Butterfly Interview: Carmel Winters

    “I recognised there was great power in seeing a young female Irish Traveller in this light on screen. It took quite a while to get the film financed — I think because as a society we are slow to celebrate the greatness of women. But the harder it was to get made the more I knew it was needed!”

  • Summer Survivors Interview: Marija Kavtaradze

    “I always wanted to be what I saw on screen. And I want girls and women to see as many different female portraits as possible — strong, cool, romantic, ambitious, aggressive, silly, ugly, pretty or whatever.”

  • One True Loves Interview: Olivia Accardo

    “I’m very stubborn, and any time someone has looked at something I’ve made or asked me about my work, and sort of scoffed or ignored me or made a remark like, “wow I didn’t know a woman could….” — it makes me stronger.”

  • Night Owl Interview: Rebekah Miskin

    “Women supporting other women is vital to truly shift how women are treated and represented both on-screen and off. And one would think that in a post “me too” world, this would be obvious.”

  • Jessica Jessica Interview: Jasper Savage

    “I feel so odd to have to justify the idea that women deserve to be treated equally with equal opportunity. To not have to continuously feel like you are only on this planet for the enjoyment of the straight male.”

  • Kayak to Klemtu Interview: Zoe Hopkins

    On the surface, Kayak To Klemtu is about a young girl searching for a connection to a land she has never visited in order to protect it. When you dive deeper you see a film that centres around grief, family, ancestry and environmentalism.